Monday, January 26, 2009

We are on fire

Does anyone feel like God has been blessing us all spiritually lately? Like a lot? I do. Pretty much all my friends seem to be really on fire for God right now. God is doing something. Something big. And I don't want this to stop.
Our light will shine out into the darkness as long as the fire is burning. Let us pray that the sparks of our fire will fall on the dead and dying people that surround us.


Emily said...

AHHH! Yes my friend. I am so on fire for God. Gosh, it is amazing. I hope it doesn't stop. I hope that all of us can help keep our fires going!!

And yes, I hope we can in someway shine the Light to those who really need it.

Joy. said...

Same here!
God has definitely been blessing me all around.
Even in the bad times. I still feel blessed!

Let His Light shine through us!

Emily said...

Amen! I'm happy for all of you. :)

Mark Hartwick said...

Brother all I can say is Amen!