Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm a college student

Scary, isn't it?

So I'm now attending college part-time at CPCC. My English 111 class is 10:30-11:20, and then I wait for Anna to get done at 2:30. That's plenty of time to get all my school done plus some extra reading. So, yeah. Fun new stuff there. And then I've got an online Intro to Computers class, which I hear is very easy.

That's about the only update for now. I'll take some pictures of me on campus someday, maybe... then I can prove it to y'all. =P


Anonymous said...

Very scary. But exciting. :-) Congratulations on this "new stage" of your life, haha.

Wesley said...

Thanks. =)

Emily said...

Yeah, scary. But definitely very exciting too!

You go in there and blow everyone away.....and prove to them how smart homeschoolers are ;) But yeah, congrats!

Wesley said...

Haha... unfortunately, writing is not my forte. I don't think that I will "blow away" anyone.

Emily said...

It's not mine either....sadly. I'm sure you'll do well, though ;)

Anonymous said...

That's good that it's not your forte. You're there to learn, not to sit and think, "I know all this already." By the time the class ends, you'll probably be a much better writer with a lot more information to use. :-) Remember to stay humble and focus on writing for God, not for high grades or man's approval.

Wesley said...

That is true, Marissa. I am definitely expecting to learn a /lot/ from this class.

Anonymous said...

Good! You'll have to let me know how it goes. :-)

Emily said...

Very true Marissa! yeah, me too.

Wesley said...

I certainly will let y'all know how it's going... only 16 weeks to go. =P

Kailey said...

you got the English 111?!? cool. I was going to try to get that, but it was full. I got Spanish instead...
which campus do y'all go to?

Wesley said...

We go to Central. Yep.

It's kinda crazy that we're all getting old enough to take college classes... =)