Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Well... so much for that resolution to post every day, huh?

So, I've started working on the Shutterfly version of the Spelling Bee page for the yearbook. I'm trying to make it fun, but not too little-kiddy, if ya know what I mean. So I'm gonna work on that as soon as I'm done posting...

And I just ordered Define the Great Line and Lost in the Sound of Separation by Underoath. I'm a little behind the times, I know. =P

Um... the Arts Festival is on Saturday, and I'm still trying to figure out when the next band meeting will be...


Emily said...

I failed too, lol.

I have never designed a page. Apparently, the past two years I was only signed up for photography. I'm excited to see how this year's will turn out :)

Never heard of that album =P

Can't wait to hear you all =)

Anonymous said...

nathan said we were having one today, but we're not going to be there. I think we might get in a rehearsal saturday