Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So, I've been thinking...

I don't remember if I've mentioned this on my blog before, but I'm a really selfish guy... I know y'all probably don't see it as much as I do. What I hate is how often I'll be doing something like serving someone, and instead of doing it to serve them, I'm doing it so that I can have the pleasure of hearing them thank me... I hate how my mind works sometimes. =/

And that's about it for now. =)


Emily said...

Ohhh Wesley...thanks for your example of humility. =)

Ugh...I am so disgustingly selfish too. Way too often, I 'serve' to bring glory to myself or I try to sound/be humble so I can get more praise. Oh, how my sinful nature loves to twist good things into an perverted idol. Even *right now* as I am replying to this, my heart is having conflicting motivations for posting this.... =( =/

So, can I ask you, how do you deal with this? All I know to do is cry out to God. Stuff like this can be confusing to deal with...because serving is good, but serving with the wrong motives is bad. =/

Also, I was thinking. I love to encourage people and build them up. For example, if someone works hard and serves a lot, I try to encourage them by letting them know that really blesses me to see that, etc. I wonder if that helps or hurts people's struggles? Maybe I 'encourage' people too much? Is it more of a temptation than a encouragement? If you or anyone else has a thought on this, let me know.

In my opinion, selfishness is partially a lack of appropriate fear of God... If I fear God more, I think I would be a lot better off...

Nathaniel G. said...

Yeah I know what that's like Wes, believe me sometimes I feel pretty...well...selfish when that happens to me. =/

But praise the Lord when He shows us areas where we can grow, 'cause believe me God's been showing me those areas a lot lately. =/ =D

Good post Wes. =D

Wesley said...

Pretty much all I can do is consider why I'm doing something, and then pray to God to give me pure motives.

Haha, Emily, that is confusing. =P All I can say is to lift it up to God in prayer when you feel like you may be harming someone by complimenting them.

Thanks, Nathaniel. =)

Emily said...

Thanks Bro =)

Emily said...

Time for a new post Wesley ;)

Nathaniel G. said...